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Mandala is a sacred piece of art work, which is evoke healing, spiritual development and meditation. It can be understood in two different ways externally as visual representation of the universe and internally as guide for several practices that take place in many ancient traditions including meditation. In Hinduism and Buddhism the belief is that by entering the mandala and proceeding to towards center you are guide thru the cosmic process of transforming the universe from one of suffering to one of joy n happiness.


The word mandala means sacred circle  and is right from the word mantra which means continued of essence. This circle or continued of essence is set a represent wholeness, health, connection, unity, harmony and cycle of life. It is also set to symbolize being one that life going with flow and reflecting in those.


Mandalas also connecting geomatical patterns which reflect and represent the geometry of entire universe. They usually have a focal point in the center which is known as seed and it is starting point to the creation of the mandala and all of life.  


Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning "circle". It is a symbol of significance in Hinduism and Buddhism. A mandala is a geometric configuration of symbols. In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of practitioners and adepts, as a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation and trance induction. 


In new Age, the mandala is a diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a time-microcosm of the universe, but it originally meant to represent wholeness and a model for the organizational structure of life itself, a cosmic diagram that shows the relation to the infinite and the world that extends beyond and within minds and bodies.


In Hinduism, a basic mandala, also called a yantra containing a circle with a center point. Mandalas often have radial balance. It may be a two or three- dimensional geometric composition used in sadhanas, puja or meditative rituals.


​In Buddhism, mandalas have been developed also into sand painting. Mandalas are commonly used by tantric Buddhists as an aid to meditation. The mandala is a support for the meditating person.


How Does It Work?

According to art therapist and mental health counsellors, creating mandalas helps stabilize, integrate, and re-order inner life. According to the psychologists its symbolic nature can help one "to access progressively deeper levels of the unconscious, ultimately assisting the meditator to experience a mystical sense of oneness with the ultimate unity from which the cosmos in all its manifold forms arises.



I conduct beginners and advance workshops in-person and online to all age groups. To learn more about workshops visit the Mandala workshops page.

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